Nature is full of amazing extraordinary birds, each with its own unique characteristics and its own array of colors.
What most people don’t know, is that there is a surprising variety of extraordinary pigeon species in the world.
Most of us are aware of the common city pigeons (rock pigeons), these are the grey and navy pigeons you see in numbers in every city.
These common city pigeons are the first birds to ever be domesticated by humans, they feature in ancient Mesopotamian painting, mosaics and statues from 4500 BC, and even earlier.
So without further ado, please enjoy some of the finest, most colorful and extraordinary pigeons that nature has to offer:
1 – The Nicobar Pigeon
The Nicobar Pigeon, found in the Islands of Nicobar, these delightful pigeons were once found in abundance in the wild but their numbers are declining
This species is classified as Near Threatened in the IUCN Red List. These birds are captured for food, pet trade and their gizzard stones which are used to make jewellery.
2 – Victoria Crowned Pigeon
The largest living pigeon and the closest remaining relative to the extinct dodo bird. It was named in honour of Queen Victoria for its flashy blue crown of intricate lace-like patterns and its regal poise.
Originally from New Guinea
3 – Jacobin Pigeon
These pigeons were named after the Jacobin order of monks who date from 1100.
They are known for their mane-like feathers that can measure 6 inches and stands a couple of inches above the head. They come in black, white, red and yellow.
4 – Brown Frillback Pigeon
The Frilback pigeon is a breed of domestic fancy pigeon, it’s actually an ancient breed developed over many years of selective breeding
The Frillback pigeon appears in many color varieties.
5 – Swedish Owl Pigeon
Originating from southern regions of Sweden.
6 – Spinifex Pigeon
Spinifex Pigeons are permanent residents of the spinifex grasslands of northern and central Australia. They have very effective camouflage colouring for living, and feeding, on the ground and run quickly and erratically from intruders.
7 – Brunner Pouter Pidgeon
This pigeon has a lively vigorous temperament, shown by lots of strutting, bowing and hopping during courting.
8 – Lahore Pigeon
Mainly an ornamental breed from ancient Persia, was once bred for its meed but now its raised mainy for its beautiful plumage and colorful patterns
9 – Polish Wattle Pigeons
10 – Scandaroon Pigeon
Fancy breed of pigeon from Germany.