Dog abuse is a ‘no go’ in any way, shape or form. It is how we respond in light of that abuse that defines us as individuals.
One police officer from Fresno, California is being hailed after he stepped up and adopted a puppy that he rescued from abuse.
Police Officer Joshua Weskamp, of the Fresno Police Department, responded to a call of a puppy being abused on the street. When arriving on the scene, he found a homeless man viciously abusing the puppy. The man had already beaten the puppy and thrown him in the air towards a garbage truck.
Officer Weskamp rescues the puppy
Officer Weskamp, without even thinking, took action against this man. He called the Central California SPCA, a local animal shelter, to come and rescue the poor puppy.
The homeless man was also arrested and an animal cruelty investigation was started against him – looking into the abuse against the puppy.
In addition to saving the puppies life, Weskamp also took an interest in the welfare of the puppy. He would often visit the SPCA where the puppy was taken to, to check up on the Labrador-pit bull puppy.
Volunteers at the shelter and local activists were touched by Weskamp’s dedication to the injured dog.
Weskamp also pursued the case against the abuser, to try and make sure that he received the punishment that he deserved. And once that had been sorted, Weskamp decided to try and adopt the pup- to which he was to receive some disappointing news on this front.
He was told that since the puppy was serving as evidence in the case that he was pursuing, Weskamp could not adopt him. The struggle to adopt the puppy took months and months.
But finally, Weskamp was given the all-clear.
The puppy, that he had named LEO, short for Law Enforcement Officer, would be going home with him.
Weskamp plans to give his new dog the best life possible, and give the little pup the love and attention that they deserve.