Stray animals are often caused by people abandoning their pets due to issues with their finances, space or just time
In Greece, strays dogs are certainly a problem, with over 1 million of them roaming the streets looking for their next meal or a place to sleep.
Thankfully though, there are some places like Hott Spott which are making a difference to the poor animals.

Located in Lesbos, in the daytime it is a regular cafe that feeds people, but in the nighttime, it lets stray pups sleep inside.

“When the bar closes each night, the dogs come and sleep here. We don’t have a problem. From July, every night there is a dog on the couch,” said a waiter at the cafe, who preferred to remain anonymous.
Lesbos not only has a stray animal problem, but also a refugee crisis. Eustratios Papanis, whose photo above of the pups in the coffeeshop went viral said:
“The locals have increased levels of solidarity towards environmental and humanistic issues. The new generation is more sensitive and well informed.”