Dogs are loving creatures, one of a kind, some may say, who care for others and are there for us in times of need.
But this friendship formed between a Great Dane and a fawn is certainly something special.
Meet Kate and Pippin whose special bond inspired a children’s book.
The inspiring friendship between the two began years ago. Isobel Springett, a photographer from Vancouver Island, British Columbia, found an orphaned fawn.

Isobel took in this helpless creature home to care for her. The moment Isobel took her home and introduced the tiny deer to her Great Dane, the pair acted like they were meant to be.
“We saw the tiny fawn wandering near our house, looking for its mother and crying – it was hard to ignore,
“We brought it into the house and our dog Kate was on her bed, so we put the fawn beside her for warmth. Over the next few days, the two bonded.”

Life for an orphaned animal is not easy, at all. They have missed out of the love of their mother and upbringing in their natural environment. Therefore when Pippin, the name of the orphaned fawn, was taken in by Isobel, she has to completely adapt to a new environment and made a new friend.
Isobel found comfort both in Kate, the Great Dane, and Isobel and this helped to her come out of her shell and find life in a new home easily adaptable.

Pippin and Kate love to play together and they even take naps together when they get the opportunity!
Their connection goes beyond something that could ever be imagined.
“They spent hours playing in our front garden. Even when Pip became a mature doe, she and Kate still played together. They remain the best of friends,” Isabel said.
This one-of-a-kind love story between Kate and Pippin was so unique, and it even inspired a book: ‘Kate and Pippin: An Unlikely Love Story’, written by Martin Springett – the brother of Isobel – who tells Pippin and Kate’s amazing relationship.