Meet Bleu and Colby, the Golden Retriever brothers known as Cheese Patrol, who aren’t newcomers to fame.

They went viral again after being caught in the act of performing a bold jailbreak – setting their partner-in-crime free so she can gift them with some snacks.

Toddler Chloe is just 15 months old, yet she and the dogs get along very well. The clever puppies have soon deduced that Chloe is far more liberal with the treats than her parents, and this is their motivation to visit her as often as possible!
“Colby parks himself under Chloe’s high chair every night,” dad Chris told Bored Panda.
“Lately she’s gotten tall enough to reach into their food bin, so she scoops out kibble and drops it for them, much to our chagrin.”
So, when it’s time for breakfast and the traditional routine of barking outside mom and dad’s door isn’t working, Cheese Patrol goes to work.
“When 6 am rolls around and they haven’t been fed yet, they definitely go looking,” Chris explained.
They sneak into Chloe’s room, quietly opening the door and waking her awake with licks and soft nudges. When she wakes up, the puppies eagerly bring her to the treats, and little Chloe is more than ready to comply!
Nina, Chloe’s mother, was perplexed to discover her walking through the corridors in the morning, as she isn’t yet old enough to unlock her bedroom door.
To figure out what was going on, she decided to record it, and the footage of the jailbreak is too cute for words.
Their mornings of mischief are coming to an end, though, as Chris, the manager of a software firm, and his wife Nina, a nurse, are relocating, and security will be tougher from now on.