It’s safe to say that nature is full of stunning birds, it’s hard to believe that a lot of them are even real

This is a perfect example of this, even the name sounds like it’s made up, but we assure you, this bird’s real.

So introducing, the spectacular, the wonderful, the unbelievable white-browed tit-warbler.

Native to the boreal forests of the high altitude regions of Asia like the Himalayas.

Their diet consists primarily of small insects and spiders that can be caught on the ground.

Since they are vigorous foragers, they mainly find their food under roots and rocks although some can be found arielly.

The vibrantly colored males show distinct bluey-purple underbodies with a pale-colored ‘white’ brow (hence the name).

These tiny unique birds weigh only 6-8gs and stretch to 8.5-10cm long.

Both males and females of the species sport the light crown and eyebrow but females are generally duller in appearance.