Meet Goma, the famous ‘Mickey Mouse dog’ from Tokyo who is stealing hearts all over the world.

The adorable 8-year-old cutie is best known for her huge, fluffy ears that make her look like a real-life Mickey Mouse.

Goma is a Maltese x Papillion mix and has been gifted with the best of both breeds.

Her adorable ears resemble a Maltese, but they also point upwards like a Papillion, giving it the cartoon mouse look.

Goma has ammased nearly 110k followers on her Instagram page which is full of adorable pictures and videos posted almost daily.

She certainly lives the good life and is often pushed around in her stroller like a human child, or carried around in her doggy back pack.

She has an abundance of toys and loves snuggling with them in her bed. She even has lots of accessories like neck ties and bunny ears.