This is the touching moment when a herd of elephants rushed over to comfort a young elephant who had recently lost his mother. One-year-old Mukkoka was wandering around all alone and afraid in...
Read moreDetailsEven the most restless kids can go to sleep with a soothing song, but what about a fully-grown elephant? Surely not? Meet Faamai, a female elephant at the Save the Elephant Foundation in Thailand, who is...
Read moreDetailsThis is the touching moment when a young elephant gallops into a fast-flowing river to save her “drowning” human best buddy. The five-year-old Asian elephant Kham Lha was walking along the side of the stream...
Read moreDetailsA completely blind 30-year-old elephant was rescued from a circus and brought to the Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai – where she met her new herd for the first time! The...
Read moreDetailsThis is the heartwarming moment an elephant touches trunks with her daughter and granddaughter after being separated for 12 years. Pori is a 39-year-old grandmother elephant and was reunited with her 19-year-old...
Read moreDetailsThis is the hilariously adorable moment a baby elephant gets stuck after trying to cross over a fallen tree. The calf and its family were walking through an area that was cleared...
Read moreDetailsThis is the moment a poor elephant needed some help after it got stuck in a pond. Concerned witnesses immediately called wildlife officials after four elephants fell into the pond. Here’s out...
Read moreDetailsAn African Elephant named Bubbles and a black Labrador named Bella gave us the chance to witness the cutest animal friendship we’ve seen in a while. Their bond is One Of A...
Read moreDetailsGrowing up with David Attenborough’s work we completely fell in love with animals. This inspired us to create Kingdoms TV. Founded in 2018 at Kingdoms we have one mission: We want to build a modern connection between the human and animal worlds.
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