The shoebill stork has been called the world’s most terrifying bird, but i guess that depends on your perspective. A shoebill looks like it either has the same goofy charm as the long-lost dodo or it looks...
Read moreDetailsThis crazy adorable white owl has been making waves on the internet due to its fairy-tale-esque looks. Many people believed it was fake, but this extraordinary looking owl is in fact real....
Read moreDetailsThe flame bowerbird is absolutely stunning, with its vibrant, colorful plumage which resembles a sunset, this bird is not easy to miss! Other than the deep red head and neck and vibrant...
Read moreDetailsScott Davis, of Gallatin, Tenessee has just had a once in a lifetime encounter with a rare white cardinal, right in his backyard. The lifelong birdwatcher was surprised to see a nearly...
Read moreDetailsGolden Pheasants are shy birds that are difficult to find. They hide in thick woodlands and ran away from disturbance. But when they are found, their beauty is stunning to behold. Red-and-gold males are...
Read moreDetailsAmong all diverse species of bird, there are on earth, the Inca tern is certainly one of the most impressive. The Inca tern is a bird with a very dashing handlebar moustache....
Read moreDetailsImagine waking up one morning and seeing this outside of your window. A Freeze-thaw-refreeze cycle naturally created a hummingbird-shaped icicle in the yard of Tammy Shriver from Michigan. It is a naturally-made ice sculpture...
Read moreDetailsThe South Philippine Dwarf Kingfisher is a very elusive bird, to say the least. The stunning bird is the smallest of all forest kingfishers in the Philippines and is easily distinguished by...
Read moreDetailsIt got its name from the ‘quill-like’ crests on the back of its head, this resembles 18th century clerks with pens into their wigs. Image credits: Rudi Luyten This bird is also famous...
Read moreDetailsThe mighty harpy eagle is one of the largest eagles in the world, with talons (claws) bigger than a grizzly bear’s! Harpy Eagle (Harpia harpyia), Captive animal, Panama Central America These birds of prey...
Read moreDetailsGrowing up with David Attenborough’s work we completely fell in love with animals. This inspired us to create Kingdoms TV. Founded in 2018 at Kingdoms we have one mission: We want to build a modern connection between the human and animal worlds.
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