‘Hundreds of Russian bombs’ have been found by the famous Ukrainian mine-sweeper dog who wears a small Ukrainian military vest while at work
Patron, a two-and-a-half-year-old Jack Russell pup, is working to clear the Chernihiv area north of Kyiv of mines left behind by withdrawing Russian soldiers.

It has been a significant shift in the conflict’s environment since then, with Vladimir Putin’s decision to withdraw forces from northern Ukraine.
Several “booby-trap” mines were discovered after the shocking discovery of mass graves containing the bodies of slain people in the formerly Russian-occupied territory, according to the Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

When Patron was six months old, he began his minesweeping profession.
Russian military forces are laying up booby-traps on food facilities, private homes, and human remains while fleeing from the conflict. “This is a violation of international law,” the statement read.

A cuddly hidden weapon helps Ukrainian demining crews keep the formerly-occupied territory safe.
According to the BBC, “hundreds” of Russian mines have been cleared thanks to Patron’s amazing senses.
He uses his nose to detect the odor of explosives and other substances pouring from mines.

Patron, working with the Ukrainian Emergency Services, has been spotted combing among the ruins of damaged communities as clean-up activities continue.
Patron, a six-month-old minesweeper, is renowned for his fondness for cheese and belly rubs.
Here’s an adorable video of Patron busy at work:
He operates in the same way as all other mine detection dogs: by detecting the chemical and explosive odors that escape from the devices themselves.
Human demining squads are often outperformed by dogs with an enhanced sense of smell, such as Jack Russell Terriers, which are better at distinguishing target odors from various background odors.

The Second World War saw the first widespread application of mine detecting dogs.
Since the Second World War, mine detecting dogs have been used.
When it comes to their sense of smell, dogs have a far greater olfactory center in their brains than we have.
Even though mine detecting dogs have been in use since the second world war, their widespread deployment only began in recent years.
In humanitarian demining programs across the world, an estimated 750 dogs are employed.