The flame bowerbird is absolutely stunning, with its vibrant, colorful plumage which resembles a sunset, this bird is not easy to miss!

Other than the deep red head and neck and vibrant orange body, these flirtatious birds stand out feature is their eyes.

Native to the rainforests of New Guinea, when this bird is in full courtship mode, it’s eyes are nothing short of mesmerizing.

It will pulse its pupil size in an incredible display to attract a mate, see this in action in the video below:
But that’s not all this unique bird gets up to when mating, it’s best known for its intricately bult nests.

These extraordinary engineers will build and maintain the most elaborate of structures called bowers (hence the name), to attract a mate.

It is difficult to believe that a medium sized bird like this could creature such a complicated structure.

Little is known about these bird’s diet, we do know they prefer to eat fruit and insects and they forage in pairs or trios.

Once a mate has been chosen, the female will build a separate nest made of softer materials such as leaves to lay her eggs.