Kaya has one of those sweet faces that can melt even the coldest of hearts

She was born with a permanent ‘squishy’ face, caused by a congenital facial abnormality, that can easily be mistaken for looking grumpy.
Founder of the TO Rescue in Ontario, Odelkis Barrera, knew she had to help Kaya from the moment she saw a photo of her.

Kaya was found only four weeks old, malnourished, dehydrated, and completely covered in ticks and fleas, she really needed some TLC.
The unique kitty recovered well after being rescued, quickly gained some weight and soon enough her personality began to shine through.
“She is very talkative and spunky,” TO Rescue wrote on Facebook. “She’s incredibly smart and only wants to be around people and [be] held.”
“Not only is she the cutest kitty ever but she’s incredibly sweet. Everyone that meets her falls in love with her. She gets along great with her foster families, other cats, and dogs.”

“Her personality is beyond awesome. All she wants to do is be petted, all she wants is to be loved on and caressed” said Barrera.
“She can’t get enough — so if you’re not petting her, she’s petting herself against you.”

Kaya’s favorite toy in the world isn’t one you would think, it’s a cardboard box, nothing more, nothing less.
“Kaya spends hours playing inside of her box. She definitely keeps herself entertained! She is such a precious little girl.”
Here’s a video of her playing in her favorite box:
Kaya is now coming up to being six months old, and she wants nothing more than to find a forever home.
She hasn’t had a single adoption application yet, she seems to often get overlooked, likely due to her appearance and expected vet fees.
But not all is lost, she is absolutely adorable and we are confident that she will find her forever home.
Although her eyesight isn’t the best, she has taught herself how to get around with no issues, though she can still spot another dog, cat, or human nearby.
“We want a nice environment and a home that could dedicate the time to her that she needs,” said Barrera.
“She would do well with other animals — she finds comfort looking around for other cats and dogs, and likes playing with them. And she needs someone who’s in it for the long haul.”

We love you Kaya!