Meet Habs, the adorable little pup who absolutely loves his favorite teddy bear

The huge plush bear was originally his mom Jacqueline Estey’s toy until Habs claimed it when he joined the family.
From that moment, the two have barely spent any time apart, with it becoming Habs’ favorite plaything.

“Habs has always been inseparable from the bear. He likes to bring the bear all around the house,” Estey told The Dodo. “If you pick it up, he’ll follow you around until you put it back down for him.”
One day, the bear was in dire need of a wash, so Estey grabbed him and put him in the washing machine.
It seemed quite threatening to Habs, and this is how Estey found him a little while later:
“I have never seen him do that for anything in the wash, other than his bear,” Estey said.
“It was hilarious when I realized he was sitting there for the whole entire cycle and wasn’t moving for anything!”
It wasn’t long before the bear was all clean and ready to be reunited with Habs, yet that evening habs had woken up from a nightmare, surely involving his beloved bear.
“I heard Habs scratching at the dryer door,” Estey said. “When I went in there, he was looking for his bear in the washer and dryer!”
What habs didn’t know at the time was that his favorite toy was already in his bead.
“I walked him downstairs and showed him where his bear was, where he continued to lay down next to his bear.”

He slept nice and soundly after that. “He’s such a sweet puppy.”