One day, Kyle Canaan received an odd call to the Oklahoma police department asking him to deal with a stray donkey.
Robin Stryder had called 911 to report seeing a frightened donkey wandering around on a busy road.

Officer Canaan arrived at the scene to see that Stryder had managed to move the donkey to the side of the road and keep it calm.
Initially, Canaan was unsure how to deal with the situation, it certainly wasn’t one he had seen before, but Stryder seemed to have a solution.

She was happy to adopt the donkey she named “Squishy” at her home, but the issue was that she lived a few miles away.
So Officer Canaan came to the rescue and decided to give Squishy a drive a long instead of waiting for the proper transport.

The two seemed to hit it off too, there was just one issue, “It used the bathroom in the back of my police car – number two,” he said.
“I mean, I must have got it right after breakfast, because there was a lot.”
(h/t: KFOR)