A clever little canine has secured himself an endless supply of dog treats after figuring out he can pay for them with leaves.
Negro the dog lives he Diversified Technical Education Institute of Monterrey Casanare in Colombia and was adopted by the staff as a stray.

He is given the freedom to roam around the school’s yard as he pleases, students often buy him treats at the local store, but one day he decided he was done with begging.

After observing the shop dynamic for a while, he figured out that to receive the treat, students traded the shopkeeper something that looked like a leaf.

“One day, spontaneously, he appeared with a leaf in his mouth, wagging his tail and letting it be known that he wanted a cookie,” teacher Angela Garcia Bernal told The Dodo.

The shopkeeper, astonished at the dog’s intelligence, couldn’t help but trade Negro a cookie for his ‘money.’

“He comes for cookies every day,” Gladys Barreto, the shopkeeper told The Dodo. “He always pays with a leaf. It is his daily purchase.”
“When you first see it, you almost want to cry. He’s found a way to make himself understood. He’s very intelligent,” Bernal said.
All image credits go to: A Peña J David