Nothing is more precious to Loijuk the elephant than her family, especially now that she is creating her own. The Sheldrick Wildlife Trust (SWT) in Kenya saved the orphaned elephant in 2006...
Read moreDetailsMost people know that elephants are incredibly smart. But more people need to know just how strongly they feel emotions. Sook Jai is an extraordinary elephant. Now in her mid-70, she only...
Read moreDetailsElephants are known for their sweet tooth and enjoy foods such as bananas and sugar cane. They will often demolish local farmer’s fields in order to consume these delights! A stunned tourist on a...
Read moreDetailsThis is the amazing story of a forest guard who has made headlines after rescuing a baby elephant from a ditch by carrying it out. Many were curious as to how he...
Read moreDetailsOver a dozen African elephants, currently living in the UK are being moved back to their ‘ancestral homelands.’ In a move conservationists are calling a ‘world first attempt at rewilding an entire...
Read moreDetailsThis is the story of the unusual yet heartwarming friendship between Bubbles, a rescued orphan elephant and Bella the labrador. Bubbles isn’t like your usual elephant, she loves playing catch with labrador...
Read moreDetailsElephants are among some of the most intelligent animals in the world, their brains are similar to us humans. Although they aren’t just smart animals, they are very social and have the...
Read moreDetailsHe stood out from the rest of the gray herd with his bright pink skin. It is believed the unique calf is around two or three weeks old at the time of...
Read moreDetailsMoyo was saved from drowning while trying to cross a flooded river when she was only a few days old. She was also abandoned by her pack but, luckily, rangers found her...
Read moreDetailsIf you’ve ever been a parent, then you’ll know there’s one skill all children excel at… throwing temper tantrums. When a child doesn’t get their way, you’re bound to see them scream,...
Read moreDetailsGrowing up with David Attenborough’s work we completely fell in love with animals. This inspired us to create Kingdoms TV. Founded in 2018 at Kingdoms we have one mission: We want to build a modern connection between the human and animal worlds.
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