The worlds favorite white whale Migaloo may be back to the shores of Australia earlier than expected.
Photos have surfaced showing the whale swimming off Victoria state’s south coast, sending a lot of Migaloo fans into a frenzy.
‘We’re not 100 per cent sure but it could well be him because he is part of the east population that generally migrate this time of year,’ said marine scientist Dr Vanessa Pirotta.
Although, Dr Pirotta points out that he has been known to migrate off the coast of New Zealand too.
“Apparently there’s more than one white whale out there, we definitely know there’s humpback whales with lots of white colour but not fully white,” she said.
Migaloo was initially sighted in 1991 and has been seen on and off in the Aussie waters ever since.
Migaloo was first sighted back in 1991 and has been seen on and off in Australian waters over the years.
Here are a few shots of Migaloo from a few years ago:
“If you see him in real life he illuminates the water around him and as he swims he turns it turquoise”
“Because he’s so different, people just want to learn more about him. He’s very social and is often seen with his friend Milo.”
He was named ‘Migaloo’ which means ‘whitefella’ in several indigenous languages.