This is the moment when a baby moose had a scare after it failed an attempt to jump over a wooden gate and got its hooves caught in the wood.
Thankfully though for the moose, he was found by two men who worked together with an ax to chop away the wooden boards.
The frightened moose waited patiently while it was being freed, meanwhile exhibiting the cutest big brown baby eyes.
Once the baby moose was eventually free, she stood still and took a minute to rest and regain her balance back.
A few minutes later, the moose said thank you with her eyes, followed by a “you’re welcome,” from the men who freed her.
She slowly turned away, taking a few steps in the snow and eventually galloped away.
You can see at the end of the video, the moose performed a submissive display of ‘chewing,’ indicating peace between the moose and the men. So adorable!