Chief AKA Oreo Cloud went viral last year when he was a fluffy little 9-week-old puppy

As time went on, he changed from merely a ‘cookies and cream’ puppy to the huge ‘cookies and cream’ lion he was always destined to become.

He lives in California with his human Sara Hamilton, “We like to socialize him around a lot of children and he seems to have a very therapeutic effect on little ones!”

“He loves playing with other dogs and children. Now that he’s older, he’s proved to be a very patient pup that is curious to learn, but ultimately he’s just as perfect if not more than the first day we got him.”
Chief the dog is a Chow Chow, one of the world’s oldest breeds from China, famed for their size and extreme fluffiness.
“Chief’s favorite treat in this entire world is watermelon!”
“If he hears someone say ‘watermelon’, he will come running. His favorite toy is still the very first toy we bought him which is a raccoon squeaky toy. He keeps all of his toys in excellent condition which we find hilarious.”