Penguins are absolutely adorable, yet most of us wouldn’t even consider keeping them as a pet.
One family in Japan though had a different idea, and when the opportunity to rescue a penguin by taking it as a pet arose, they didn’t shy away from it.
They named him Lulu and he is probably the most peculiar pet we have ever seen.
Real TV made a short documentary about Lulu back in 1996 and it was crazy interesting, to say the least.
The documentary was made was Lala was around 10 years old.
He spends his days living in a highly air-conditioned room and enjoys roaming around the streets of his town.
His favorite place in town is of course the fish market, he loves going back there.
So his family decided to put a backpack on him and taught him to get fish for them as well when he visits the market.
The villagers loved seeing Lala with his Pingu backpack waddling down the streets of their town!
Apparently, Lala was accidentally caught in a fishing net, and so the family took him in and nurtured him back to health.
When he was released back into the wild, he kept coming back to the family, so they decided to adopt him as a pet and give him a home.
Although the conditions were unusual for a penguin, Lala seemed to be happy and comfortable with them!
Check out the 2-minute documentary below:
Unfortunately, as this documentary was taken so long ago, Lala has passed away, but his legend still lives on!